Joanna Jeannine “Jean” Wolf (nee Duncan), beloved wife of the late Richard C. Wolf, passed away on September 10, 2019. Born September 23, 1940 to the late Bob & Odella (nee Powell) Duncan, beloved mother of Renee Creek, Ron Creek & Rae Bright, loving grandmother of Jobie, Tyler, Tawnie Creek of Dillsboro, IN; Alex Bright, stationed at Luke Air Force Base in Phoenix, AZ, Colin Bright and Sarah (Nic) Spradling of Hamilton, OH, great grandmother to Owyn Bright, dear sister of Jack (Carolyn), Sid (Carolyn), Debbie Cantrell and the late Jill Duncan, also survived by her aunt Carmella Ramsey of Bluefield, VA and many nieces and nephews. A funeral procession will assemble Fri., Sept. 13 at 10 AM at the Dennis George Funeral Home, 44 S. Miami, Cleves, OH 45002. Graveside service Fri., Sept. 13 at 10:30 AM at Maple Grove Cemetery, Valley Junction Rd., Cleves, OH 45002. Memorials, if so desired, to Hospice of Southwest Ohio, c/o the funeral home.